
Посольство Новой Зеландии в РФ

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Посольство Новой Зеландии в РФ

The New Zealand Embassy Moscow represents the New Zealand Government's interests in Russia, and countries of accreditation, and one of the network of diplomatic missions under the auspices of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT). MFAT is the New Zealand Government's lead adviser and negotiator on foreign and trade policy, development policy and assistance, and diplomatic and consular issues. The Ministry also provides legal advice on international issues. Under international practice, it is the formal channel for the Government's communications to and from other countries and international organisations. The Ministry, through its diplomatic and consular service, is charged by Government to ensure that the New Zealand's voice is heard abroad, that out security and economic interests are advanced and protected, that we contribute to global poverty elimination, and that the rights and safety of Newealanders abroad are protected. Further details at

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